Do you really want a LoL summoner skin? Or maybe just a smurf account ? You can always save some time and money by skipping the hard grind and just purchasing a League of Legends account that already has everything you want. League of Legend Smurf Account is a Level-30 LOL account with ranked stats which are loaded either with champions or essence. There are trusted providers of unranked League of Legend smurf accounts for an affordable price, and they also guarantee fast delivery. Upon completing the payments required for LOL smurf account, you’ll see the details of the account log in your dashboard. In creating these accounts, boosters are being used to create the accounts and play on these accounts until the time that they reach level 30 without spending blue essence.
Taric is probably my #1 pick for a support, though his aesthetics might not appeal to everyone. He has great lane presence and cannot be ignored. He is the support that does everything well. I really don’t have other choices for support. If you’re a new player, get both of these characters and practice with them before moving on to more aggressive choices. Janna is too technical, for instance. Nunu works only in certain pairings. Alistar requires very calculated play, and most of the other good support choices are expensive. Lulu and Zyra are great, but they’re 6300 IP. Or you can simly buy and account that has all summoners and skins you want. Read more info on Buy League of Legends Accounts.
This one is a little more reasonable since you didn’t need to buy or preorder a retail copy of League of Legends to get UFO Corki. Instead, all you had to do was create a League account before January 14, 2010. If that isn’t you, well, you’re kinda screwed and will never have the pleasure of floating over Summoner’s Rift in a tiny, built-for-one spaceship unless you pony up the cash to buy an account that was created before then.
Shyvana has some of the quickest jungle clear in the game, and her passive, Fury of the Dragonborn, allows her to do more damage to dragons while also getting bonus stats for each one she kills. Her ganks are best after she reaches level six, but she remains a threat even before then thanks to the speed boost on her W. She can also be built depending on what your team needs – tanky if you want, but also capable of dealing plenty of damage. Shyvana’s passive makes her more powerful the more dragons she kills. That means she’s excellent at teaching a very important skill – objective control. In the early game, dragons grant your team powerful bonuses that stack over time, and keeping track of when they spawn and jumping on opportunities to take them is key to giving Shyvana, but also your entire team, an advantage. In the jungle, few champions can clear as fast or as well as Shyvana. That gives her an advantage in the early game after she’s taken all of her jungle camps, and allows you to increase pressure on enemy laners. It’s worth noting that her lack of Crowd Control (CC) before level six means you need to work closely with your teammates in order to secure kills. Source: