Top cash discount program and selling advices? Don’t let the last tip discourage you; there are many other businesses out there that are perfect candidates for the program. Make a list, approach them and tell them how you can take down their credit card payment processing fee to zero dollars, they’ll be hooked from the start. Selling a cash discount program is challenging for those who don’t know how to approach businesses; however, with the selling process mentioned above, you should do just fine. But what they don’t know is that the full price is actually the original price of product + processing fee. So, in the end, the merchant just deducts the fee from the original price and use it to pay for the credit card processing.
Examples of Surcharges? A variety of industries, such as the telecommunications and cable industries, regularly use surcharges to offset costs imposed on the business through federal, state, or local regulations. When regulations impose additional costs on the market, the business may adjust the surcharge instead of the price of the good or service. The fee is still being passed on to the consumer, but it is being done so in a more indirect way, through the surcharge. For example, a customer may see a regulatory recovery fee on a cable bill. The purpose of the regulatory recovery fee is to offset the burden on the cable provider for certain voice service fees imposed by various government entities. Another example of a cable surcharge is the fee to provide sports programming to the viewing market. In this case, the charge is to offset the premium the cable provider pays for the ability to broadcast the events.
Subscriptions are all about relationships. Customers are buying something once and then forgetting about; they are spending money on your product on a recurring basis. Whether it’s the beginning of the customer cycle, or throughout, you must build trust with your customers in order to successfully sell them your product/service, and to ensure retention and renewal. But how do you build trust? It begins with developing a rapport, asking questions and truly listening. You can connect with prospects on business-centric social media sites like LinkedIn. Make sure to follow-up and stay engaged. Show the customer you genuinely care.
To recover all the fees charged by the credit card association, the vendors might include the small surcharge. During any Cash Discount Merchant Processing, it anatomically deducts the surcharge fee from the customer. This is not available for debit cards. Only credit card holders can give out the surcharge fee. Therefore, you will see the surcharge only on the credit card transactions. There are certain guidelines issues to the card association on how the surcharge is charged. See more details at
Lead with value: When reaching out to your network and potential buyers, don’t lead with a capabilities pitch. Instead, lead with an offer of something valuable. Offer to evaluate their current portfolio and make suggestions. Offer to share research you or your company recently conducted. Offer to share best practices in asset allocation you’ve discovered from your work with others in similar situations. Whatever your offer, make sure it adds value to the buyer in the initial meeting itself. Do this and you’ll generate far more conversations.